Tuesday, October 23

Big Red Is Back! :)

Big Red is back home now!


Blogger land, I'm one very happy lady!! Thanks AAMCO! Job well done! Ok blogger land if you're in Kissimmee/Orlando area and having car problems the Savors at AAMCO are#1.

Ok, Big Red is ready for another 164 miles of the demanding household adventure. Go Red! For your FYI pre-teen said we need to get Big Red a bumper sticker that says" Keeps on Trucken". LoL :)


You guys probably think I'm crazy because I love my truck so much. Well he's paid for and my security blanket. If I need to get away, Big Red got my back! He'll take me where I need to go when I need to go. Without big red I can't work and that stress me out big time. ;) Now, Big Red is brand new and he'll have a new inside in a few months too. ;)


To bad big red can't drink MonaVie. ;) Well MonaVie help me! I felt calm and slept well under all this stress. Thanks MonaVie for helping me and thanks again to the Savor of Big Red.


Big Red and I have a lot of catching up to do! :)



Big Red keeps on Trucken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Angelmom :)




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