Tuesday, September 18

The Hustler Plan

Playstation all the time Dad every now and then emerges from the realm of animation. Okay bloggers, I love my hubby but he's a hustler. Now that helps when you need to pay the bills but the process can be trying. (trying my patience) He'll come up with a stupid ass "plan". Let me tell you bloggers, it not fun. Today the hustler plan was devastating on my heart.I though I was going to faint! This time Sweet, the laptop, was affected. My poor baby!! She shut down on me! I couldn't turn her off and she's running slow. :( This is why I call myself Angelmom. I have a angel on my shoulder telling not to ____ him. ( you fill in the blank. ;) I'm ginking the playstation what goes around come around buddy. The next time he has a hustler plan, he can use his playstation 3 and keep Sweet out of it.

My cousin the loyal and faithful loud one, calls it assholism. The art of assholism can only be mastered by the male species, even at a young age it apparent. For example : Are you serious teenager knows that that his sister get off the buss at 4:30pm. I pick him up at 4pm, it take him 20 minutes to get in the car. Why?! That's when assholism kicks in and the stuff between his brain act as his brains. The deliciousness (teenage girls)

is to irresistible and he forgets about his sister. His sister flesh and blood comes last. You see bloggers this diseases has no age limit. Not even MonaVie can help.

Thank god bloggers we don't think with he stuff between our legs or the world would be in trouble.

Eve why did you have to give Adam the apple?! The d__k can be so good but yet sooo bad. Well another day some MonaVie and the strength to fix playstation all the time dad's hustler plan screw-up.

Believe me blogger , when I tell you that MonaVie is a lifestyle. MonaVie is hope for a better tomorrow.

MonaVie = MonaVie lifestyle

MonaVie lifestyle = Dealing with assholism

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