Wednesday, September 26

My Fabulous Mom and Aunts

I hear my Business all time Mom's voice saying "your children will do the same to you one day "But Why? I did not feed the dog frogs! Or play slams the skateboard into the front door! Is it true will they do me in like I did my mom?

OK, as a teenager I rebelled big time but I was a good girl until 17 yr old. See blogger I was an only child, I was the only one. My mom is not the ordinary Mom and she is an Entrepreneur. She was born to farmers in Dominican Republic and is the oldest of 13 children. She a tough cookie and that's why everything she has she got herself. She told me stories of how she had to walk miles with 25 cent in her pocket. She struggled with a mule and her little bothers by her side. She said her brothers would cry because they were hungry, so she feed them and stay hungry. My grandmother didn't have dishwasher, stove, washing machine or even light. She was a housewife without any of the things we have now. When people ask me how I do it, I say "my grandmother". If she took care of 13 children without all that stuff, then I can't complain. sh*t, I have a washing machine, running water, TVs (babysitter), a car and ect…. My family didn't have a pot to piss in and because of them we (all my cousins and I) have a comfortable life. I very proud of them all and very grateful.

My Business all the time Mom and Sucker for love Dad sent me to DR for a month to experience their lifestyle a kids. LOL wow it was fun but missed my stuff, especial my nice comfy bed.

My uncles' bust their asses to get where are today. My dad side of the family did the same; he had 11 brothers and sisters. When we got older my aunts decided they want to be and they did. I'm extremely proud to call them my family. My mom and my aunts taught me that you can do any a man can and better. If you want something with work hard; you will achieve it. My mom has the house of her dreams and my aunts do too. Not only are they successful business women but they look great too. I'm talking sexy good, hot good, looking 20 years younger than anyone their age. Don't player hate now, they work hard for their money and desire every penny.

So do I complain no way bloggers, no way? I thank god every day for what I have. A year ago I didn't have a pot to piss in either. Whenever I feel sad because I haven't accomplished much; I remind myself how they lived and how they live now. I'm a lucky woman; because of them I have so much hope in my life. I know that one day I will have my own successful business, live in my dream house, drive my dream car and still be sexy too. Seriously blogger I have no choose! I want them to be as proud of me as I am of them. I owe them that, we have do better! I want them to sit back one day and feel complete. To them that would be seeing all of us succeed just as they did. My oh so sexy Aunt tells me "when the kids get older you will accomplish all your goals just like she did". ;) This aunt had 4 children and divorced, yet she owns a successful business now and look way better then me. That's why when I gained weight; I exercised my ass off until I lost it. I'm in my 30's and she in her 50's, so if she can look good so can I. My mom is more conservative and tuff as nails. We don't have a good relationship, I talk to her on a weekly basis but she disappointed in me. Bloggers, who can blame her. She gave me everything and instead of taking advantage of it, I rebelled. But that's ok because soon I will make her proud of me. All her hard work will reflect in me, just as she hoped years ago. They deserve it, regardless the mistakes they made. They wanted only the best for us, so we have too succeeded.

That why I take my 2 ounces of MonaVie in the morning and 2 at night. I need to be healthy or none of my dreams will become reality. They didn't have MonaVie but they use herbs to heal themselves. In DR teas, natural herb, fruits and vegetable are a way of life, this keeps everyone healthy. Today we have MonaVie, all the stuff you need to stay healthy and active, so you can conquer the world! By taking MonaVie, I have energy to do more, stay healthy and stress free. MonaVie help me and that's why I a distrubuator. I want my friends, neighbor, family and everyone too feel good inside and out. I want people everywhere to feel the power of MonaVie. What a great job I have; I get to help people live a better life.

See Tia (means aunt in Spanish) I'm getting their!!!!!!!!! The other day I called the Oh so sexy Tia and she said she was proud of me wow. Do you see why I say I'm lucky?

This blog is dedicated to my Mom and my Tias, I love you all!!!!!!!!

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