Tuesday, March 3

Mommy’s Special Little Touches

As a child my world seemed very exciting, well from the outside. My cousin wish they were me, and I wish I were them. It’s funny thinking back; I didn't get along with them. That is why, simple to the point. I had everything I “wanted”; toys, clothes, big yard and a big house to play in with a pool. They had what I wanted a Mom at home. I went to the best schools in Long Island, rode in a fancy car and play business owner in my parents stores. None of that mattered to me! I was so lonely in that big house, just me and my Nanny/housekeeper. The first Nanny was the best, she truly cared about me. Then came the rest paid to do their jobs and the house was their main priority. No one cared if I came home in a bad mood or show me anyway they cared. My parents were to busy working night and day to make the money pot grow. My mother is very successful, she lives very comfortable life and hard work made that happen. As for me I look back and wonder if she ever realized how lonely I was.

Today I try my very best to show my kids how much they mean to me. I try to give them my special little touches. heart_free_avatar_by_sweetsoultakerYesterday it was really cold out here, so I warmed up their uniforms in the dryer. I called them to come in a hurry and ya should of seen their faces, they love it. It seamed like they won a million dollar. I want them to remember me in a loving way, so when they dry their clothes in collage and put them on warm. They will have a warm feeling in their heart as well. Mommy’s special little touches memories will put a smile on their face. Someday they will read my blog and make a special memory in my grandchild heart. I live in their hearts too and forever in their children hearts and in their children’s children hearts………….

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