Saturday, March 28

Music ? !

What is it with music but it seams to sooth my soul. I been through so much emotional pain, and  I’ll hide.   :(   Then music will just find me, really. The kids lost my iPod and right when I needed it the most;  my hubby found it. I put the headphones on and well the  right songs came. I try like anyone out there to do my best. And just like everyone I question if it’s enough. Then life throw us some new drama and Staying strong, keeping the faith seam to get harder. So here’s some of the music that help me get through my day.

The Fray - You Found Me

Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (Live)

The girl is so amazing! I can feel the words ;)

Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star
Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On

Now I have hours of music on my iPod, I spent the whole day listening to music. My drama didn't go away but I do feel better. Added bonus!  My kids always love to dance and sing with me. ;) So I going to put my records on and fall asleep now. Goodnight bloggerland :)

Blogger Labels: Music,soul,pain,life,drama,faith,Fray,Found,Jason Mraz,Corinne Bailey,Star,Records,bonus,iPod

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